Making Music With Synthesizers - Basic Synth Techniques
The primary sound that you hear in the patches is created by the oscillators, and is then fed through the synthesizers signal path. If you set oscillation to a genuinely low pitch, you'll end up with gaps because the waveform is continuously dependant on the speed pitch of the note. And so the different sounds are created by the shape of the waveform, which is the product of oscillation.
Here're the average wave form. For a sharp biting type sound, you require the saw-wave. It's named as this because it's shape is identical to those on a saw blade
To get a soft mild tone then you'll want the Sine Wave, which's shaped like a horizontal S; it has a smooth up and down shape to it.
A specified color of noise will create noise even though its not really a wave form
To get that sound that simulates a hollow reed you require the square wave. This is distinguishable by its almost perfect square outlook.
A variance to the square-wave is the pulse wave, although it is just half as wide. It has the amusing ability to have a modulated width. Perhaps you have heard this as being mentioned to as the Pulse Width Modulation.
To find a glad medium between the saw and sine wave you would require the triangle wave, which's the shape of a triangle.
Most often a synthesiser has two to three oscillators. Being as that's the case, you could do various fascinating stuff by mixing the waveforms as one. Plus you can tune them so they are different from each other. It can be tuned in semi-tones, octaves or in cents. A swirling untuned sound is produced by many oscillators which're cents apart from each other. Cents is a 100th of a semitone.
Theres an oscillator recognized as a low frequency oscillator. Its frequencies are undetectable unless you physically tune it into a standard hearing range. Its job is to tone the pitch of the oscillator or the filter frequency. The start stop of the wave form is quite noticeable because the LFOs are like the oscillators in that they all the same use standard waveforms. When utilized the right way for example the sine wave permits you to hear an increasing or decreasing sound of the wave shape. Animation and moving texture would be the end result for your synthesizer sound if done decently. - 18423
Here're the average wave form. For a sharp biting type sound, you require the saw-wave. It's named as this because it's shape is identical to those on a saw blade
To get a soft mild tone then you'll want the Sine Wave, which's shaped like a horizontal S; it has a smooth up and down shape to it.
A specified color of noise will create noise even though its not really a wave form
To get that sound that simulates a hollow reed you require the square wave. This is distinguishable by its almost perfect square outlook.
A variance to the square-wave is the pulse wave, although it is just half as wide. It has the amusing ability to have a modulated width. Perhaps you have heard this as being mentioned to as the Pulse Width Modulation.
To find a glad medium between the saw and sine wave you would require the triangle wave, which's the shape of a triangle.
Most often a synthesiser has two to three oscillators. Being as that's the case, you could do various fascinating stuff by mixing the waveforms as one. Plus you can tune them so they are different from each other. It can be tuned in semi-tones, octaves or in cents. A swirling untuned sound is produced by many oscillators which're cents apart from each other. Cents is a 100th of a semitone.
Theres an oscillator recognized as a low frequency oscillator. Its frequencies are undetectable unless you physically tune it into a standard hearing range. Its job is to tone the pitch of the oscillator or the filter frequency. The start stop of the wave form is quite noticeable because the LFOs are like the oscillators in that they all the same use standard waveforms. When utilized the right way for example the sine wave permits you to hear an increasing or decreasing sound of the wave shape. Animation and moving texture would be the end result for your synthesizer sound if done decently. - 18423
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