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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tantra, Art And Resonance - Music For Kali

By Hans Havasi

This article will touch upon some, for the most of you, very new concepts. We will speak about the process of composing music for the great tantric Goddess Kali. First off we will give an introduction to who Kali is followed by an introduction to the law of Resonance which is a law that lies at the base of the the law of attraction. The article will end by telling how an artist can use the law of resonance to create his artwork.

Who is Kali?

Kali is the first of the 10 wisdom Goddesses in the tantric tradition. She has black skin, four arms, open glaring eyes and a necklace of severed heads. She dances on the graves in the cemetary and laughs loudly and shrilly at the ignorance and attachments of us humans. She stands for the concepts of time and death, concepts which we humans fear and that is why she is portrayed as being so terrible.

She is indeed a terrifying sight and if you do not understand death and time you will certainly be terrified by her. Her grace will be revealed to those who actively seek to understand her deeper meaning.

About resonance

Tantra teaches us about the law of resonance which is in essence the law of attraction, just more profoundly described.

All matter in the universe is energy which vibrates at different frequencies. Two energies that vibrate with the same frequency will be attracted to one another and start to resonate together, meaning that they will start to exchange information and energy between them.

We are continually moving through different resonance spheres during the day and our moods and physical well being is continually being affected by these spheres. If we are in a place where the resonance is "angry" we will ourselves become angry.

If we are in a place where the resonance is hectic and on edge as it is when watching a game of football in a stadium we will also become hectic and edgy. If we are in place where the resonance is serene and peaceful we will also become serene and peaceful.

A similar resonance can exist in a landscape, a color, in a room etc. If the resonance is the same for these different mediums we will start to feel the same resonance no matter if we were in the landscape or in the room. Music is the most powerful resonator as it can very precisely convey a certain feeling or mood.

For example, if you listen to heavy metal you will enter into states of rage, hatred and destruction. You will enter into a state of resonance with the people who made the music and the state that they were in when they made the music. You will enter into resonance with all the people who listen to that music and who resonate with that state. You will start downloading all their negativity and hatred.

Alternatively if you listen to beautiful music you will enter states of beauty and harmony.

A very quick way to go into a specific mood or state in meditation is to start by listening to music which embodies that state. Music is extremely efficient in jump starting our desired mood.

Resonance and Art

If you want to make music or art with a certain specific mood, you have to immerse yourself in that mood. You have to study it by looking at pictures and listening to music which conveys that mood. You have to act according to the mood as if it were already in you. In this way you will through the process of resonance, start to download the necessary information for the creation of the artwork.

By contemplating on the object/subject upon which you wish to create your artwork and through resonance you will thereby become a better channel for the art. The resonance will impregnate the art and will thereby be conveyed to those who in turn contemplate the art. This is the secret to creating masterpieces.

Applying this knowledge to create music with Kali

Meditation and contemplation on the great Goddess Kali will lead you to contemplate on concepts as life and death, on time and on courage. These are deep powerful states which might be terrifying for those who have not deeply meditated upon these aspects.

Music with Kali will then also convey this aspect of terror. This can be done through deep drones and strong percussive rhythms. In this kind of music it also has an effect to use minor tonalities or Arabian/Indian modes with a flat nine to give an aura of mystique.

Ultimately Kali will lead the worshipper to a higher state of being, leading to an opening of the heart when the ephemeral has been surpassed and a deeper understanding of life and death has been attained. This opening of the heart can be given through large strings sections and melodic lines which lead from down and up.

I hope that the article gave you a taste of what it is to be a tantric composer using the law of resonance to create artworks for Goddesses! - 18423

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