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Friday, October 16, 2009

Improve The Way You Sing With Vocal Training

By Skyler Jett

We are all born with a gift, and this gift comes in many different forms. You probably have a talent in public speaking, or a talent in writing... or both. Whether your gift is in performing arts, like singing, dancing and/or acting... they will be nothing if they aren't perfected. Remember, you and other people will be able to fully appreciate your gift or talent it is is utilized.

Now, let's talk about the gift of music, specifically the gift of having a great singing voice. For those who don't really know what's up and about singing, they often think that all the professional singers out there were simply born to sing. What they do not know is that these singer spend thousand and thousand of times to hone their voice through vocal training.

For example, we have all seen the arduous auditions for American Idol. The majority of these hopefuls are talented. Sure they can carry a tune. But, this writer believes that the judges do only seek the person who can carry a tune. Does he or she have the potential for greatness? Does this one person, after having vocal training, be the next singing sensation?

The contestants of American Idol also have to undergo a series of vocal training. They have to master their songs. When we say master... we mean that the contestants got to sing the song in pitch, with emotions and with the heart. Now, the only way to do it is to understand first the deeper meaning of the song itself.

Vocal training is really a must for those who want to sing professionally. Keep in mind, singing is not just about belting and bellowing your lungs out. We have seen a lot of singers faltered for delivering a song by a flat voice. With vocal training, you will be able to learn how to sing properly and how to take good care of your singing voice.

Becoming a professional singer takes a lot of time, effort and even money. It is a serious business for those who really want to become one, more so... for those that singing is their bread-and-butter. There's no way they can let a moment pass without doing anything to improve the talent that they have. You can opt to use synthesizers alright, to make your sound good. But this won't definitely take you to where you want really to be.. and that's the singing stardom.

If there's one thing that you can get in vocal training other than honing your singing voice, that would be discipline. This learning can really take you to where you want to be someday. With discipline, you will be able to keep yourself away form temptations of smoking, drinking and all-night partying. Bear in mind, if you've got the talent, you have to hone it, and then take good care of it. Otherwise, that talent is nothing. Your voice is your asset, and nothing can take that away from you, unless you let them.

Sweets and dairy are not exactly prohibited but it is best if you do not consume much. This sort of food is mucus-forming, hindering the movement of your vocal chords. Smoking contributes to the deterioration of the muscles, limiting your range and shortening your breath. Alcohol is dehydrating so when your entire body suffers, the quality of your voice is also deeply affected.

You have a gift. It is a gift that can touch people's lives. Use it. But before that, hone it. Enroll in a vocal training program. - 18423

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