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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Learn to Play Guitar At Home

By Payo W Perry

Learning to play guitar correctly is challenging even with great instruction. If you're just starting out no doubt you'll already have a burning desire to produce some kind of music from your guitar no matter what it is!

Guitar lessons come in all shapes and sizes, so how do you know which ones are going to be best for you?

Begin by looking at the kinds of things you'd eventually like to be playing. What style of music is it? What we're looking for here is a general compass point which is going to provide direction for future guitar lessons. If it's Jazz or Classical guitar for example then 1-1 lessons are advised.

Certain styles of playing allow you a lot of freedom with the road you take for technique and structure. For some styles such as Rock theres really no structure for how you learn to play guitar at all. For some people it's perfect while others will feel lost. It's up to you to recognize how best you learn and obey that aspect of yourself. What all musicians are trying to do is connect with themselves.

Too many students accept bad standards of lessons for guitar. If you are feeling frustrated because you're not understanding everything or are unsure about what it is your supposed to practice and how then it's sign you're not getting good quality guitar lessons. Choose your teacher wisely as they can make or break your chances for success.

Looking online is a great option as there are a number of fantastic websites all offering good quality lessons at a fraction of the cost of a private tutor. If you have the required motivation to teach yourself then I would start with this easy option first.

Of course all of this means very little with one word, practice. Youre going to have to do a lot of it and not just that but it must be regular and done slowly so as to give you brain the time it needs to record everything properly.

As a last point remember that all musicians find their own way. Youre going to have unique musical problems but the answers are always there with perseverance and motivation to get through them. When you learn to play guitar you learn about yourself. - 18423

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