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Friday, July 24, 2009

Understanding The Ill Effects Of Movie Downloads

By Joel Martin

Everybody knows that movie downloads are illegal, and yet very few people seem to care. They are easy to find and use, and often you don't feel as though you're doing anything wrong. Because there's so little involved, whether you're downloading for a party or to entertain yourself late at night, it's easy to excuse this sort of behavior for yourself.

There's a big difference between illegal downloads and watching personal video on YouTube and other video sharing sites. In the latter, the owner of the video makes a conscious choice to publish what he has produced.

However, the companies who make major films have no say when their movies are stolen to be published on other websites, making them lose out on their profits.

The problem is that a lot of people think the only ones who are doing anything really wrong are the people doing the actual uploading and that those who are only watching the videos, are innocent. However, it only takes a brief look at legal statements released by the Motion Picture Association of America, the MPAA, to know how very untrue that belief is.

You wouldn't deal with stolen goods on the street, and so you shouldn't have to deal with them online. It can be tempting to get your hands on your favorite movie before it's available on DVD, but it just isn't fair to the people who put a lot of hard work into the process. There really aren't excuses for this kind of behavior. It's just downright selfish.

If all the people who did illegal downloading were caught, prisons would be filled with them and the amount of fines being paid by others would add to a huge amount of money.

There just isn't a lot of risk, and for most people this is comforting enough. However, if all people who did this were caught, the fines would be alarmingly huge.

The fact is, many people just never consider those lowly employees in the movie industry when they download movies. All they know is that they're getting something they want and that they have very little chance of being discovered doing it. This should be considered justification for this behavior, but unfortunately, in too many cases, it is acceptable.

Though it might be hard, you need to be a better person when it comes to downloading movies, and just stop doing it illegally altogether.

Imagine if you were in their shoes. Knowing how frustrating it would be will hopefully make you more sympathetic.

We often justify our downloads by thinking that all people who work in movies are overpaid, and in some cases, this is true. However, there are also a lot of people involved in film production who don't make much of everything and need every dollar they can get. When you stop downloading movies illegally, you'll be giving some things up, but you'll feel a weight off your shoulders as well. - 18423

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