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Monday, June 8, 2009

Guitar Tutorials: Finding Ways to Get Educated on Your Own

By Gabriel Cooper-Smith

Good Tutorials can be hard to come by but is definitely the initial step to learning to play the guitar. As well as teaching you how to play the instrument it is also great to learn about the instrument itself and a little about guitar history. If you learn about the guitar and truly understand how they work you will be able to play it much more easily.

Finding guitar tutorials is easy if you know where to look. Many can be found at any local music shop and others can be found with a simple search on the Internet. Since guitar playing is probably the most common instrument that people play you will have no issues in tracking one down that will best suit you whether you are playing electric or acoustic. Many of them will also have large chapters pertaining to getting started and to the novice player. Using the resources that are available is necessary and when there is such a plethora of information out there you have no excuse to not get started.

Guitar tutorials will teach you the basics about learning how to play guitar. For the most part if you are dedicated and take the time to practice on a consistent basis you will find picking up the guitar is not that difficult. In fact its the easiest instrument to play because much like a piano all the notes are right there on the fret board with easy access. Teaching yourself anything is always more productive when you have guidelines to follow and guitar tutorials will give you an outline that will give you direction and knowledge.

Many of you will already know how to read music and that is great, however if you don't, that is also ok. A lot of people think that learning to read music must always be done before actually playing the instrument. I tend to disagree as it is far more useful to understand how the guitar actually works as this will help you to play the instrument the way you want to.

There are many guitar tutorials so picking the "right" one is not that important. Just pick anyone and stick with it. Make sure you constantly play and practice your guitar as people say "practice makes perfect" Remember that hard work and dedication is what will ultimately transform you into a competent guitarist.

The only thing that your skills will need to feed off of is time and practice. Most music teachers will tell you 30 minutes a day is a good base to get started but the more you play guitar, the faster you will see results and the better you will become. - 18423

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