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Sunday, May 17, 2009

LED TV universal need 3 years of high prices as the promotion of high-cost bottlenecks

By Professional editor working for Cargo & Storage.

Recently, the reporter travelled to Beijing paraelectric wise and other electrical devices shops, flat-panel TVs premier manufacturers Samsung, Sony, Sharp, as well as household manufacturers Hisense, Konka and other associated goods LED television ledge trials has furthermore been a time, LED television to become the commerce and buyers that the new warm theme in point.

The reporters discovered that while all vendors have a two LED television commenced, but the genuine mass market attractiveness of goods the number of recorded businesses have not the bravery to take the lead in action. And Samsung Electronics today broadcast the accessibility of a total of 3 Series 9 LED television products. Focus on such a large-scale LED merchandise launch, the first time in the Chinese market. The reporters discovered that the Samsung LED television commenced new ultra-thin body is only 2.99 centimeters, the width of a mobile telephone than have to slim, while Samsung furthermore presented the Sina report, climate and some other passages can be on television online features.

China Video Industry Association Under-Secretary-General notified reporters Hao Ya-Bin, LED flat section television will be a future main heading of the market, but the distinct steps of the manufacturers. For the newest Samsung LED television mass market in China, Hao Ya-Bin accepts as factual that the future in periods of China has become the world's biggest market for new goods, new expertise submissions in the Chinese market will furthermore become an significant strategic business.

Samsung Electronics, advised reporters practical engineers, as the LED video screen video in the recital of ecological security and vitality collecting has unparalleled superiority, has been cited to as the future development of the development trend. However, due to technical knowledge is still in the less mature stage, a higher wares cost, effecting in the market of LED video costs high, weighed against with LCD TVs, the charge is often more than 3 times more, in spite of the superiority of a good wares, can still arduous for enterprises and clients, but in addition effected in good worth LED video requested no discomforting situation.

Hao Ya-Bin accept as factual that the LED is now aimed at at the TV or high-end users need in the mass popularization of 2-3 years. As a mature commerce, as well as the upgrading of run-degrees, with the reinforcing of the developed string of connections, the cost will be decreased accordingly, and finally the buyer will be the general buying power. Furthermore, LED television, whereas actually somewhat high charges, but because of their method brings to buyers the supplemented worth of keeping, the use of the cost contrasted to the identical dimensions but the other television goods will be decreased a lot. - 18423

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